IRS+ & FOE announce strategic partnership

We’ve got some exciting news! Earlier in the year, we conducted research with both agency and brand representatives. The results of our study disclosed a commercial opportunity for blending creativity and ideation with media solutions that were fluid and not pre-ordained in favour of any one medium.

To seize the opportunity, IRS+ formed a strategic partnership with FOE, an award-winning ideation, production, and social content agency that specialises in knocking marketing and media activation briefs out of the park.



With a media agnostic and idea first philosophy we will work together and respond to briefs putting the brand first – not every solution will be a radio one.

Take a look at our presentation here, to get a better idea of how it will work.


But that’s not the end of good news!

At IRS+, we have also promoted Katie Boylan to the role of client service director. Katie’s new role will see her working collaboratively with agencies and brands to offer fresh new insights and innovative broadcast and digital approaches to local radio. Katie will liaise with Foe on every sponsorship and activation project, ensuring we deliver a “brand first” response to briefs. Read more here.


So… What exactly does all this mean for you?

  • Access to greater creative ideation for your clients
  • A one stop shop for medium agnostic campaign delivery
  • Idea first campaign management and activation


We are looking forward to further strengthening our team with the creative powerhouse that is FOE. Test us out – we are open for briefs!


Submit your brief below.

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