A collection of groundbreaking reports that explore different aspects of how people think, talk, and act when it comes to advertising, media, and brands.
Who Do We Think We Are
The central objective of this research was to gather empirical evidence to prove specific hypotheses concerning misconceptions held by individuals in Dublin regarding people living “down the country.” This report distinguishes instances where these misconceptions align with reality and where they lack empirical foundation.
This report will highlight both where this is the case and where it is not the case, ultimately providing IRS+ and FOE with an evidence base with which they can demonstrate the value in targeting consumers who live outside Dublin, for both brands and agencies in their media targeting, as well as highlighting to them some of the misconceptions that exist.
Today’s report focuses on the findings of the general population research, with a phase of agency research to follow.
Click below to view the full report.
Local Accent Bias
Conducted as a nationwide experiment encompassing 15,000 participants, this study confirms a long-suspected phenomenon: the influential role of accent within the advertising landscape, especially in advertising where small percentage margins can mean big gains and cut through to consumers, particularly for brands selling products and services in hyper-competitive markets.
Commissioned by radio and digital broadcast specialists IRS+, the new research sought to explore the psychology behind accent, its commercial impact and whether a local voice made a difference. The answer is an emphatic yes.
Click below to view the full report.
The Future is Local
The seismic changes of the past number of months has shaken up the communications industry along with everything we thought we knew about media. Consumer behavior and habits have changed and brands are now pivoting and shifting their priorities with the majority coming to recognize the palpable shift toward local first in terms of consumer preference.
IRS+ commissioned Amarach Research to explore where local radio sits in terms of its long-terms influence on consumer priorities and engagement intentions, The results of the work from Gerard O’Neill and his team are very revealing.
Click below to view the full report.